Privacy Policy

Privacy Promise

  • Safe Driver DXB takes your privacy very seriously. We collect and process your personal data exclusively to ensure the safety and efficiency of our operations and to examine users’ activities based on our legitimate interests.

Data Collection

  • Non-Personal Data: We use cookies and web beacons to collect non-personal data to enhance the user experience and our services.
  • Personal Information: includes names and email addresses we gather following a request, promotion, or account opening. We collect and use this Information to provide and improve customer service.
  • Confidentiality: We handle all personal Information confidentially, and we share it with third parties only if you have authorized us to do so.

Access and Control

  • Amending Information: You can ask for the correction of any of your personal Information that we hold by contacting us by email or mail.
  • Rights: You can access, amend, or delete your personal Information. However, we may seek adequate proof of identity before implementing the change.
  • Restrictions: Sometimes, we cannot honor the demand to produce or delete certain Personal Information.

Promotional Communications

  • Mailing List: You may subscribe to our mailing list for promotional emails. We will use tracking technologies to monitor email interactions.

Inquiry Emails

  • Purposes. We may send inquiry emails to inform you about our services and for your safety

Credit Card Payments

  • Third-Party Processing: Third-party services process credit card payments, which may involve accessing your financial Information. Safe Driver DXB does not store credit card information permanently.

Third Party Websites

  • Accountability: We do not own, control, or direct the activities of third-party websites, products, or services. This statement only applies to personally identifiable Information we collect through our services.
  • Privacy Policy and Other Practices Changes: We might modify our privacy policy and practices. In such case, the change shall be effective thirty days from the date of notice to you as appropriate under applicable laws.